Blacksmith tinsmith Coppersmith tools

Can the same tools be used for all three trades? Are there tools that are used by only one?

By simple definition, a blacksmith heats the metal and the tinsmith does not. The coppersmith heats the metal and then cools it to work it, if needed. All three use hammers

A tinsmith and a coppersmith can use a sledgehammer if they have something that needs to be hit hard enough. Can a blacksmith use a setting hammer? A setting down hammer has a sharp edge like a blacksmiths cross pein sledge and the angle is offset but it is much lighter.

There are two types of Coppersmithing. One type of coppersmith just uses tinsmithing techniques and tools and the other uses anticlastic curvature techniques. Anticlastic curvature shaping cannot be done with tinplate as it cannot be annealed and worked multiple times without destruction of the tinned surface. Can a tinsmith use the same forming hammers that the coppersmith uses for anticlastic curvature? There is no need. A coppersmith, or a silversmith for that matter, would not let a blacksmith use one of his forming hammers as the scale on the hot metal would ruin the polished surface of the hammer head. If the hammer surface is damaged it will transfer a witness mark to the project.

A swedge is like a hammer that is attached to a base.

3 tinsmith swedges

Can a blacksmith use a swage or swedge? A cullender swedge is not for thick metal. I think that makes it not a blacksmithing tool. However, the coppersmith can use it.

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